For Youth and Young Adults

Get Involved

For Youth and Young Adults

As a young person, YOUR VOICE MATTERS!  Your experiences with the New York City education system, mental health providers, foster care, juvenile justice, and other child-serving systems give you special insights into what works, what doesn’t work, and what can be improved.  We need you to share your voice so that we can support advocacy efforts to ensure that all child and youth-serving systems are meeting the needs of those who are being served by them.  Your voice and input will inform policymakers and community service providers about the challenges and barriers to providing the best supportive programs for NYC/NYS children and young adults. 

Be part of the solution!

  • Join our Youth Advisory Council!
    • Meetings are held EVERY first Thursday from 3 pm to 5 pm ONLINE via Zoom! Our calendar, with current Zoom registration links, can be found here.
    • The YAC Peer Leaders’ mission:
      • The CCSI YAC is a space created FOR YOUTH, BY YOUTH for those aged 16 to 30 with a variety of lived experiences in systems: mental and behavioral health, child welfare, juvenile justice, and others. We exist so that we can give feedback and critiques to systems, announce what isn’t working, and solve problems collectively. The YAC collaborates with city and state leaders and community supporters to improve the lives and situations faced by youth in mental and emotional health systems.
  • Attend a Borough Based Council meeting
  • Share resources and events with CCSI members

Join our Youth Advisory Council!

Join our Youth Advisory Council!

CCSI-NYC YAC Flyer, Mondays 5-6 PM

Email us at