YAC DEI Training Session

                                          🗣🗣 Calling all YAC Members 🗣🗣 Join us Friday, Aug 18th at 12pm to learn more about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion! We will be discussing topic such as microaggressions, intersectionality, impacts of trauma and so much more

YAC Meeting

Zoom link: https://vibrant.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUuf-morTIoHNNU3VneV2ISH5OnH0CF1P9O

Bronx BBC Meeting

Every Second Friday of the Month from 10 am to 12 pm Registration Link: https://vibrant.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIlcO2rqD4uHtNRlWQ82zcxpBJFVjGunjki

Staten Island BBC Meeting

First Monday of every month from 11 am to 1 pm Registration Link: https://vibrant.zoom.us/j/82649349512?pwd=c1lPY3ZSWUVBaEpwV1BsVHk3UkwrQT09

Manhattan BBC Meeting

Registration Link: https://vibrant.zoom.us/j/87634813145?pwd=aDZkMHprQm5PVGhLWFMzUjlYS25KQT09

Brooklyn BBC Meeting

 Registration Link: https://vibrant.zoom.us/j/83563288929?pwd=dDI1ck0xaElheTk1RVVwLzE4M2RSZz09&from=addon